Those Who Were Shouting “Andrew Mirmelli Scumbag” Will Now Praise Him!!!

Parking Management

Andrew Mirmelli Parking Management is a famous name in South Miami Beach Florida, which was started to offer parking space at the cheapest price for all the fellow people of Miami Beach and holidaymakers from elsewhere. They were providing parking space at very low price comparatively. Well, when you are in a business, it is obvious to have competitors and some competitors become your business rivals. Things were going smooth until when people started posting abusive comments about Mr. Andrew Mirmelli and his parking lot, the man who once doing the business with full faith and dedication is now projected as a criminal. Some people posted about his criminal past and crimes which he never committed. Many people even wrote blogs projecting him as a person with charges of felony and they even put a fake case information on the blog. A blog says that, in April 1996, Mirmelli was arrested and charged with six felonies and one misdemeanor. In 1998, he was again arrested and charged with passing a worthless check, a felony. Court records show that the state declined to take him to trial on that charge. All this information provided in that blog and many blogs are just false information about his life and profession. There are not one but many of these similar blogs posted on different sites. Fake information about him, his parking lot and much other negative things have been disseminated just to tarnish his clean image.

Public Display Signs in Parking Lot

From all these things, its apparent that this is deliberately done by some of his business rivals or some people who never want to see him contented in his life. Its strange that those who were believing the Andrew Mirmelli scam to be true are now accepting the fact that he never really did any illegal activity of any sort in his entire life. How has this happened? Well, when they realized that most of these charges are false accusations, they started accepting the truth about this gentleman. And the most important thing which made his haters become his admirers is that he never kept any feeling of revenge towards his haters or for those who tried to defame his image on the Internet. Many of his haters will not accept publicly that they were wrong because this will put them in an embarrassing situation, but now they have stopped posting against him on the Internet. The last negative post was seen posted in the year 2013.

This is the reason you will find that the hatred which was tried to spread against him on social sites has been totally stopped after the year 2013, even lot of these have been vanished from the Internet. Here the question is, if those accusations were true then why have they been deleted? Well, things are quite clear here, nowadays it is very easy to post anything about anyone on the Internet, but when the person who was being harassed on the social sites starts taking action against them, the haters go in denial mode and most of them actually start praising him whom they were abusing previously. The things had become so depressing that if anybody sought reviews for Mr. Mirmelli and typed Mr. Andrew Mirmelli reviews on the Google search engine, he/she used to get posts consisting of only false accusations and hatred against him and his business. But what Mr. Andrew Mirmelli did was strange, instead of doing anything against those people he just focused on his business and tried developing it. He made sure that no matter what people post against him, he should not get distracted and should do what he was doing for many years, that is serving the society by offering them parking space at the cheapest price.
Though his business was also affected drastically due to the baseless allegations against him, he did not lose his temper and keep on working for the best of his business and betterment of the society.

Commercial Parking Display Sign
I remember a quote which is best suited in this situation, “There are abusive individuals whose worst little demons are greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, pride, and wrath enslaved by their god which is money. They usually set their false assumptions, wrong judgments, gossips and lies forceful than the ones who hold the truth but what they missed out is that the victims of their aggressions, the targets of their wrong accusations and the recipients of their repetitive harassments carry what is truly essential and what lives longer, is truth and goodness, both of which shall always prevail against their vicious, evil manners...”


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